
Python Developer Resources - Made by 0x3d.site

A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.

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# Title Description Link
1 Python Official Website The official website for the Python programming language. Available here
2 Python Documentation Comprehensive documentation for Python 3. Available here
3 PyPI The Python Package Index, a repository for Python packages. Available here
4 Real Python Tutorials, articles, and resources for Python developers. Available here
5 The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python A guide to best practices and resources for Python. Available here
6 Awesome Python on GitHub A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software, and resources. Available here
7 PyVideo A repository of Python conference talks and tutorials. Available here
8 Python Weekly A weekly newsletter for Python news and articles. Available here
9 Python Reddit The Python community on Reddit for news, discussions, and help. Available here
10 Talk Python to Me Podcast A podcast covering topics in Python development. Available here
11 Python Insider Blog Official Python blog with updates and news. Available here
12 PyCon The official website for the Python conference in the United States. Available here
13 Python Tutor A tool to visually step through Python code execution. Available here
14 Full Stack Python A guide to building, deploying, and scaling Python web applications. Available here
15 JetBrains PyCharm A powerful IDE for Python development from JetBrains. Available here
16 VSCode Python Extension The official Python extension for Visual Studio Code. Available here
17 Anaconda A distribution of Python and R for scientific computing and data science. Available here
18 Jupyter Notebook An open-source web application for creating and sharing documents with live code. Available here
19 Pandas Documentation Documentation for Pandas, a data manipulation and analysis library for Python. Available here
20 NumPy Documentation The official website for NumPy, a library for numerical computing in Python. Available here
21 Matplotlib Documentation Documentation for Matplotlib, a plotting library for Python. Available here
22 SciPy A Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. Available here
23 TensorFlow An end-to-end open-source platform for machine learning. Available here
24 PyTorch An open source machine learning library for Python, based on Torch. Available here
25 Flask A lightweight WSGI web application framework for Python. Available here
26 Django A high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development. Available here
27 FastAPI A modern, fast (high-performance) web framework for building APIs with Python. Available here
28 Tornado A scalable, non-blocking web server and web application framework for Python. Available here
29 Bottle A fast, simple, and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python. Available here
30 Plotly (Python) Plotly's Python graphing library for interactive, publication-quality graphs. Available here
31 Seaborn A Python data visualization library based on matplotlib. Available here
32 Scikit-learn A machine learning library for Python that provides simple and efficient tools. Available here
33 Keras A high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow. Available here
34 Scrapy An open-source and collaborative web crawling framework for Python. Available here
35 Requests A simple, yet elegant HTTP library for Python. Available here
36 Beautiful Soup A Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files. Available here
37 SQLAlchemy A Python SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping library. Available here
38 Pygame A set of Python modules designed for writing video games. Available here
39 Pytest A framework that makes it easy to write small tests for Python code. Available here
40 Sphinx A tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation for Python projects. Available here
41 Black The uncompromising Python code formatter. Available here
42 MyPy An optional static type checker for Python. Available here
43 Cookiecutter A command-line utility that creates projects from project templates. Available here
44 Pylint A source-code, bug and quality checker for Python. Available here
45 Flake8 A tool for style guide enforcement and linting in Python. Available here
46 PyCharm Blog Insights, tutorials, and news related to PyCharm and Python development. Available here
47 PEP 8 The style guide for Python code. Available here
48 PEP 20 (Zen of Python) A collection of aphorisms that capture the philosophy of Python. Available here
49 Virtualenv A tool to create isolated Python environments. Available here
50 Pipenv A dependency manager for Python projects that combines Pip and Virtualenv. Available here
51 Poetry A tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. Available here
52 Tox A generic virtualenv management and test command line tool for Python. Available here
53 Coverage.py A tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs. Available here
54 Hypothesis A property-based testing library for Python. Available here
55 AutoPEP8 A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide. Available here
56 Docformatter A tool to format Python docstrings to follow conventions. Available here
57 PyInstaller A program that packages Python applications into stand-alone executables. Available here
58 Cython An optimizing static compiler for both the Python programming language and the extended Cython language. Available here
59 Numba A just-in-time compiler for Python that works best on NumPy arrays. Available here
60 Bokeh An interactive visualization library for Python that targets modern web browsers. Available here
61 Streamlit An open-source app framework for Machine Learning and Data Science teams. Available here
62 Dash by Plotly A productive Python framework for building web analytic applications. Available here
63 Panel A high-level app and dashboarding solution for Python. Available here
64 Holoviews A tool that makes it easier to visualize data with Python. Available here
65 Altair A declarative statistical visualization library for Python. Available here
66 Pydantic A library for data validation and settings management using Python type annotations. Available here
67 FastAI A deep learning library that simplifies training fast and accurate neural networks using modern best practices. Available here
68 OpenCV-Python Open Source Computer Vision Library with Python bindings. Available here
69 Theano A Python library for defining, optimizing, and evaluating mathematical expressions. Available here
70 Chainer A flexible and intuitive deep learning framework for Python. Available here
71 MXNet A deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility. Available here
72 NLTK A leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data. Available here
73 SpaCy An industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) library for Python. Available here
74 Gensim A library for unsupervised topic modeling and natural language processing. Available here
75 Pattern A web mining module for Python with tools for NLP, machine learning, and network analysis. Available here
76 PyTorch Lightning A lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Available here
77 Optuna An automatic hyperparameter optimization framework for machine learning. Available here
78 Ray A framework for building and running distributed applications. Available here
79 Luigi A Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. Available here
80 Airflow A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. Available here
81 Prefect A modern workflow orchestration tool for data engineering and machine learning. Available here
82 Dask A flexible parallel computing library for analytics in Python. Available here
83 PySpark The Python API for Apache Spark. Available here
84 Databricks A unified analytics platform for big data and AI powered by Apache Spark. Available here
85 Pandas Profiling An exploratory data analysis tool that generates profile reports from a pandas DataFrame. Available here
86 Streamlit Sharing A platform to deploy and share Streamlit apps easily. Available here
87 Gradio A Python library for quickly creating customizable UIs for machine learning models. Available here
88 Flask-Admin A simple interface to create admin interfaces for Flask applications. Available here
89 Django REST Framework A powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs in Django. Available here
90 Celery An asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. Available here
91 Redis-Py The Python client for Redis, a powerful in-memory data structure store. Available here
92 SQLModel A library for interacting with SQL databases in Python, combining SQLAlchemy and Pydantic. Available here
93 Typer A library for building command line interfaces using Python type hints. Available here
94 Rich A Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. Available here
95 Textual A TUI framework for Python, built on Rich, for creating modern terminal applications. Available here
96 Streamlit-Authenticator A Streamlit component for adding authentication to your apps. Available here
97 PyWebIO A library that provides a simple way to build interactive web applications in Python. Available here
98 Folium A library for creating interactive maps using Python and Leaflet.js. Available here
99 IPython An interactive command-line interface to Python with advanced features. Available here
100 Jinja2 A modern and designer-friendly templating language for Python. Available here
101 Exercism Python Track Practice Python coding challenges and get mentoring from the community. Available here
102 LeetCode Python Problems Tackle a vast collection of Python challenges on LeetCode to sharpen your skills. Available here
103 Codewars Python Challenges Improve your Python prowess by solving fun and challenging code katas. Available here
104 HackerRank Python Domain Test and enhance your Python abilities with hands-on coding challenges. Available here
105 Kaggle Python Notebooks Explore datasets and community Python notebooks for data science inspiration. Available here
106 DataCamp Python Courses Interactive Python courses and projects focused on data science and analytics. Available here
107 Codecademy Learn Python 3 Beginner-friendly interactive course to learn Python 3 from scratch. Available here
108 W3Schools Python Tutorial A straightforward Python tutorial with clear examples and interactive exercises. Available here
109 GeeksforGeeks Python Programming Tutorials, articles, and examples for mastering Python programming. Available here
110 Programiz Python Programming Easy-to-follow tutorials and examples to help you learn Python effectively. Available here
111 Tutorialspoint Python Tutorial A comprehensive, free guide to Python covering basics to advanced topics. Available here
112 LearnPython.org Interactive Tutorial Interactive lessons and exercises to help beginners learn Python quickly. Available here
113 Python-Course.eu In-depth tutorials and examples covering both beginner and advanced Python topics. Available here
114 Stack Overflow Python Questions A massive Q&A archive where you can find solutions and tips for Python issues. Available here
115 Python Discord Community Join a friendly Discord community dedicated to discussing all things Python. Available here
116 Python Community Discover local user groups, mailing lists, and online communities for Python. Available here
117 PyCon UK Official website for the UK's premier Python conference and community events. Available here
118 PyCon Australia Explore news, talks, and community events from Australia's Python scene. Available here
119 EuroPython Conference Europe’s largest Python conference featuring talks, workshops, and networking. Available here
120 PyBites Code Challenges Weekly bite-sized Python challenges to improve your coding skills. Available here
121 Python Morsels Curated Python challenges and exercises designed to push your skills further. Available here
122 Python Challenge Solve a series of puzzles that require creative Python coding solutions. Available here
123 Talk Python Training High-quality video courses and workshops tailored for Python developers. Available here
124 Pluralsight Python Courses Video courses designed to get you up to speed with Python programming fast. Available here
125 Coursera Python Courses Access a variety of Python courses from top universities and companies. Available here
126 edX Learn Python Explore free and paid Python courses offered by leading institutions. Available here
127 Udemy Python Courses A marketplace of Python courses catering to all experience levels. Available here
128 MIT OpenCourseWare - Introduction to Python MIT’s free course introducing Python programming and fundamental concepts. Available here
129 Google Python Class Free class materials, exercises, and examples from Google’s Python course. Available here
130 GitHub Topics: Python Explore thousands of Python projects and libraries hosted on GitHub. Available here
131 Awesome Python Applications A curated list of real-world applications built with Python. Available here
132 Awesome Python Machine Learning A handpicked list of machine learning libraries and frameworks in Python. Available here
133 Awesome Python Data Science A curated collection of Python libraries and tools for data science. Available here
134 Awesome Python Books A collection of recommended Python books and learning resources. Available here
135 Awesome Python Projects A list of interesting and inspiring Python projects to learn from. Available here
136 GitHub Archive An archive of public GitHub events for research and analysis purposes. Available here
137 Awesome Pygame A curated list of games and resources built using the Pygame library. Available here
138 Top PyPI Packages Discover trending and popular packages from the Python Package Index. Available here
139 Kivy Framework An open-source Python framework for developing multitouch applications. Available here
140 BeeWare A suite of tools for building native user interfaces in Python. Available here
141 PySimpleGUI Simplify GUI development in Python with this easy-to-use framework. Available here
142 Pillow Imaging Library A fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL) for image processing tasks. Available here
143 openpyxl Read, write, and modify Excel files with this powerful Python library. Available here
144 xlwings Automate Excel with Python using this library that connects Python and Excel. Available here
145 Plotnine A grammar of graphics for Python inspired by ggplot2 for creating complex plots. Available here
146 GeoPandas Extend the datatypes used by pandas to allow spatial operations on geometric types. Available here
147 Shapely A library for manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects in Python. Available here
148 Cartopy A cartographic library for Python to create maps and process geospatial data. Available here
149 PyMC3 A probabilistic programming framework for Bayesian modeling and statistical inference. Available here
150 Statsmodels A Python module that provides classes and functions for the estimation of many different statistical models. Available here
151 Sympy A Python library for symbolic mathematics, allowing algebraic manipulations in code. Available here
152 NetworkX A package for the creation, manipulation, and study of complex networks and graphs in Python. Available here
153 Sentry for Python Error tracking and monitoring tool tailored for Python applications. Available here
154 Loguru A modern and user-friendly logging library for Python. Available here
155 Coloredlogs Enhance your Python logs with colors to improve readability in the terminal. Available here
156 structlog A Python library for structured logging that makes logs more meaningful and machine-readable. Available here
157 Fabric Streamline remote execution and application deployment using Python and SSH. Available here
158 Invoke A Pythonic task execution tool & library for managing shell commands and workflows. Available here
159 pip-tools Keep your Python dependencies in check with tools to compile and sync requirements. Available here
160 Cookiecutter Data Science A standardized, flexible project template for kickstarting data science projects. Available here
161 Pandas DataReader Extract financial and economic data from the web into pandas for analysis. Available here
162 yfinance Fetch historical market data from Yahoo Finance using Python. Available here
163 TA-Lib for Python Technical Analysis Library for processing and analyzing financial market data in Python. Available here
164 PyAlgoTrade A library to help backtest and implement algorithmic trading strategies in Python. Available here
165 Backtrader An open-source Python framework for backtesting trading strategies and developing automated trading systems. Available here
166 Zipline A Pythonic algorithmic trading library designed for backtesting and live trading. Available here
167 ffn - Financial Functions A library providing tools for financial analysis and performance measurement in Python. Available here
168 PyAutoGUI Automate GUI interactions on your computer with this cross-platform Python module. Available here
169 Selenium with Python A robust library for automating web browsers using Python and Selenium WebDriver. Available here
170 RoboBrowser A Python library for web scraping that offers a simple, browser-like interface. Available here
171 MechanicalSoup Automate interaction with websites in Python using a library that simulates a web browser. Available here
172 Pygal Generate interactive SVG charts in Python with a simple, declarative API. Available here
173 mpld3 Bring your matplotlib visualizations to the web with interactive D3.js integrations. Available here
174 VisPy High-performance interactive 2D/3D data visualizations in Python leveraging modern GPU power. Available here
175 Mayavi Powerful 3D scientific data visualization and plotting tools in Python. Available here
176 PyFlink The Python API for Apache Flink, enabling large-scale data processing and streaming analytics. Available here
177 Kedro A framework for creating reproducible, maintainable, and modular data science code in Python. Available here
178 Great Expectations A powerful, open-source Python-based data validation framework for maintaining data quality. Available here
179 Dagster A modern data orchestrator for building, running, and monitoring data pipelines in Python. Available here
180 Pachyderm A data science platform that brings version control to your data pipelines and models. Available here
181 Streamlit Components Learn how to build and integrate custom components into your Streamlit Python apps. Available here
182 Dash Enterprise Deploy and scale Dash applications with enterprise-level support and features. Available here
183 BentoML A flexible framework for serving, managing, and deploying machine learning models in Python. Available here
184 MLflow An open-source platform to manage the complete machine learning lifecycle from experimentation to deployment. Available here
185 DVC (Data Version Control) Track your machine learning models and data pipelines using Git-like version control for data. Available here
186 Polyaxon A platform designed to build, train, and monitor large-scale deep learning applications in Python. Available here
187 Weights & Biases Track your machine learning experiments and visualize performance with this powerful tool. Available here
188 OptiML A platform designed to optimize machine learning models and streamline workflows. Available here
189 Catalyst Accelerate deep learning research with this high-level framework built on top of PyTorch. Available here
190 Ludwig Declarative deep learning toolbox built on TensorFlow for building models without code. Available here
191 PyCaret An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python to streamline experimentation. Available here
192 Streamlit Extras A collection of extra components and utilities to extend your Streamlit applications. Available here
193 BentoML Hub A marketplace for pre-built machine learning models and workflows ready for deployment. Available here
194 DeepSpeed An optimization library for deep learning that helps train massive models faster and more efficiently. Available here
195 NVIDIA RAPIDS GPU-accelerated data science and analytics libraries to speed up Python computations. Available here
196 Horovod A distributed training framework to scale deep learning across multiple GPUs and nodes. Available here
197 H2O.ai An open-source machine learning and AI platform designed for scalable, enterprise-grade applications. Available here
198 Prophet A forecasting tool developed by Facebook for time series analysis in Python. Available here
199 Orange Data Mining An open-source data visualization, machine learning, and data mining toolkit with a visual programming interface. Available here
200 PyCM A comprehensive Python library for confusion matrix analysis in classification tasks. Available here
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